
Tazewell County Coroner – Charles Hanley

Tom Conlin, Chief Deputy Coroner

Bradd Elliott, Senior Deputy Coroner

The Tazewell County Coroner is mandated by Statue to investigate the cause and manner of death of any dead body within the borders of the county when the circumstances of the death indicate any of the following:

1. A sudden or violent death, whether apparently suicidal, homicidal, or accidental

2. Any death due to a sex crime or a crime against nature including criminal or self-induced abortions and stillborn infants where there is a suspicion of illegal interference

3. A death where the circumstances are suspicious, obscure, mysterious or otherwise unexplained.

4. A death where addiction to alcohol or to any drug may have been a contributory cause.

5. A death where the decedent was not attended by a licensed physician within the past 72-hours or death occurs within 24 hours of admission to a hospital (unless the patient has been under
continuous care of a physician for a natural disease which is responsible for death)

6. A death on the operating table or prior to recovery from anesthesia

7. All deaths in any State institution

8. All deaths of wards of the State in a private care facility or in programs funded by the Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, the Illinois Department of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, or the Department of Children and Family Services.

9. All deaths occurring while being pursued, apprehended, or taken into custody of any law enforcement agency.

10. Any death of a fireman who dies within 30 days of working a fire.

11. All deaths arising from employment including industrial poisonings from absorption and/or inhalation

12. All hospice deaths.

13. All human skeletal remains including bones and decomposed fleshy parts of a deceased human body including grave artifacts.