County Clerk Links
Recorder Links

John C. Ackerman
- Tazewell County Clerk
Recording times are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
- Flat Recording Fee – with no additional pages $67.40
- Non-standard Documents – Non-compliance with standardization requirements $79.35
- Financing Statements (UCC) – $49.40
- Plats (Subdivisions & Condos) – $94.35
- Plats of Survey – $48.00
- Federal Liens – $11.00
- Certified Copy – $12.00
No Legal Advice, Opinions, Legal Descriptions, or Lien information will be given by the Recorder’s staff in person or by phone.
Request that all documents submitted remain unstapled.
Request a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope for the return of documents.
Documents will not be returned without an envelope