- Emergency Management Agency Operations Center 21304 IL State Rt 9 Tremont, IL 61568
- 309-925-2271
Tazewell County Emergency Management Agency
Mission Statement
- The highest priority for Tazewell County Emergency Management Agency (TCEMA) is protection of the public, environment, and critical infrastructure by:
- Delivery of critical services to the citizens of Tazewell County through integrated approaches in emergency management and homeland security;
- Implementing and promoting actionable programs throughout Tazewell County for mitigation, preparedness, prevention, response, and recovery; and
- Effectively managing and applying public funds to increase public awareness and resiliency against natural, technological, and human-caused disasters.
Our History
Tazewell County EMA roots go back to the 1950’s and the establishment of the Federal Civil Defense Agency by President Harry Truman.
As emergency services grew during the Cold War Era, multiple agencies shared similar or overlapping programs.
To alleviate confusion, President Carter signed an executive order in 1979 which began the consolidation of those agencies into today’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In 2003, FEMA was merged into the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. [1]
At the local level, the implementation of these federal programs resulted in the Civil Defense Agency of the 1950’s and 1960’s, which became into the Emergency Services and Disaster Agency. In 2009, ESDA restructured into the Tazewell County Emergency Management Agency (TCEMA).
Currently, EMA coordinates all phases of comprehensive emergency management, mitigation, planning, preparedness, response, and recovery for the County.
[1] http://www.coldwar.org/articles/50s/women_civildefense.asp
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